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The need for hospice care begins when the focus of care changes from treating the disease to treating the patient’s symptoms and providing him or her comfort. Seeking hospice care early on is often beneficial to both patients and their family members, as it allows us to ease and comfort the family through a difficult and unknown time, providing higher quality of life and more time with loved ones.
Hospice care is for any person with limited life expectancy or for patients suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, ALS, AIDS, heart disease, or any other terminal illness.
We provide care where a patient is most at ease – in their home. But if in-home care is not possible, we offer an inpatient facility, and we work carefully to make any environment feel like home.
Hospice is a fully covered Medicare benefit so the family bears no financial responsibility for the service. Hospice service coverage includes hospice service and care, medications, medical supplies and equipment. Choosing hospice care can prevent unnecessary financial burdens to the family that can be accrued when hospice care is not elected.
If related to a life-limiting illness, hospice will pay for comfort-related medications. Our contracted pharmacy can deliver medications right to your door.
Yes. Medical equipment is delivered to you once your hospice nurse assesses your individual needs.